Welcome to USNA Underground T-shirts

The original! Undermining the Commandant for years past and years to come...this year we thought we'd jump onboard with the 21st century, but since we're not smart enough to make a fancy order form, just e-mail us with what you want. Be sure to include your name, room number, type of shirts, sizes, and whether you want long or short sleaves. The last day for orders will be April 26, 2001, and as always payment is only after we deliver.
When you're thinking about sizes, our shirts are all pre-shrunk, and run about the same size as blue rims. For example, if you wear a large blue rim, you should be fine with a large...if you're thinking about going extreme, let me warn you that the mediums are REALLY small and the XXL is REALLY HUGE...most everyone fits into large or XL.

Here's what we've got for you...